PRAEVAorta® 2

“0 click”
Use complex numerical simulation tools and image processing algorithms
without any effort.
Secure your diagnostic
Reduce the risk of medical error
Save time
Save time in patient care
pathway during diagnostic
and follow-up.
A “0 click” solution for all vascular CT’s
PRAEVAorta® 2 provides an automated reconstruction and analysis of the arterial tree from DICOM images, seamlessly integrated in your everyday tools (PACS, workstations, imaging softwares).
In a “0” click process, PRAEVAorta® 2 presents a direct view on multiple clinical parameters that will allow you to establish faster diagnostics in a more secured way. The latest publication showed that PRAEVAorta® 2 is 95% faster than human to perform a segmentation (1), while conserving the same level of precision in the measurement (1).
By standardizing the measurement, PRAEVAorta® 2 eliminates all variability induced by manual operation, therefore drastically improving the reproducibility of the measurement and allowing more accurate disease evolution analysis.

Englobes the whole steps of the patient journey

PRAEVAorta® 2 is an efficient companion of the physician all along the patient journey, from the incidental detection of the aneurysm, to the automated surgery planning sheet and the yearly patient follow-up after the surgery.
PRAEVAorta® 2 has been co-constructed with international top level clinical teams and iteratively improved and adapted to physicians needs.

PRAEVAorta® 2 is a class IIb medical device (CE, 2797) manufactured by Nurea. It is a decision-making support software for diagnosis and follow-up of vascular diseases. It is intended for automatic segmentation and geometric analysis of vessels. Please read the instruction carefully.